“This is the show quirky kids—and their parents—have been waiting for! Flummox and Friends will help them learn social smarts just like Sesame Street helps kids learn the ABCs.”
— Shannon Rosa, Editor, The Thinking Person’s Guide to Autism
“It’s sharp. It’s funny. It’s spot on with its message and its approach. It meets children where they are and says ‘I see you. You matter.’ When I watch [my son] watch the show, I can see him see himself in the characters. He laughs in all the right places. He processes all the right talking points. It works.”
— Mary McLaughlin, writer of the blog "MOM-NOS."
“Any child who has been flummoxed by a social situation will connect to Flummox and Friends! The concept of a television series that directly addresses these social and emotional challenges is long overdue. As humorous and relatable characters, Flummox and his friends are likely to be appealing to a wide audience while at the same time serving as role models for children with social learning differences.”
— Emily Rubin, MS, CCC-SLP, Co-Author, the SCERTS® Model; Director, Communication Crossroads
“As a parent, this is the show I’ve been waiting for! I believe my son—and others like him—will be better able to internalize ideas through a show like this, rather than me reminding him all the time to look, listen and think of others.”
— Amy G., A parent in Chicago
“As a therapist, I am always in search of fun methods to excite the kids that I work with. I know that children will LOVE the Flummox and Friends videos, I cannot wait to recommend Flummox and Friends to the families in my practice! Watching these videos will be a fun and engaging way for families to carry over the strategies taught to their children during their therapy sessions.”
— Amy Buckwalter Hero, Occupational Therapist
“What many educators deeply know is that social understandings — and the skills to navigate social expectations within the everyday world — are critical for student success in school and in life. Flummox and Friends uses a curriculum educators and families can support, which is not only research-based, but makes good sense in breaking down the social requirements necessary for holding conversations, making friends, collaborating, and, in the end, becoming successful as students, friends, partners, and colleagues.”